Bat Shit Crazy

No matter what aspect of the dog world you get into, you will always meet bat shit crazy people who will force their opinions on you and would love nothing more than to blacklist you if you don’t agree with them.

Recently there was a story of a woman who resigned from a humane society because of the threats she received after buying a pedigree dog. Seriously? I mean assuming the woman went to a responsible and ethical breeder who the hell cares if she bought a pedigree? It’s automatically a law that since she works at a humane society she should only own rescue dogs? A lot of people thought so and when I read their comments, I couldn’t help but wonder what these people were thinking? They were sending death threats to someone who had worked hard to rescue animals and it didn’t even matter if this woman took excellent care of her newly purchased pooch, all that mattered was that she had bought a dog and not rescued one. She’s now out of a job because society today has the power to ruin your life with a few clicks of keys.

Does this mean I’m an asshole for buying my springers and wolfdog? I rescued my lurcher but that won’t matter. I once heard “You can do ninety-nine things for someone and they’ll only focus on the one thing you didn’t do.” That’s how it seems to work in the dog world. You can have a lot of success but the second you screw up, that’s it. Game over. You shall never walk the path of light again. And neither will your dog.

Almost as bad as letting your dog wag his tail near someone at a dog show. There will be some major huffing and puffing going on.

The silver lining in this? Once you get through the crazies, you’ll find us. The people who although are probably bat shit crazy, but in a good way. We’re the ones who will laugh when your dog decides he doesn’t want to do what’s asked and runs riot instead of glaring and shaking our heads.
We’re also the ones who will support you. You’ll usually find us laughing like jackals somewhere at training or a show.